We meet at Beeston Oasis Pentecostal Church at 10:30am each Sunday.
We love our Sunday’s here at Beeston Oasis Pentecostal Church. We are a Church who love to worship God whilst learning to grow in our faith. If you join us, you will find a community of people who believe that Jesus is real and that He gives us hope and a purpose. We’re all at different stages of our journey, those who have been Christians for decades, those brand new to faith and also those who are seeking to discover their truth. Whatever stage you’re at - you are welcome with us!
Coming to a new church for the first time can often feel like a daunting experience, we completely understand that. So it’s important that you know what you can expect from us here at Beeston Oasis during a usual Sunday service.
Each week we worship, this means we sing songs that reflect what God has done for us and reflect what we believe to be the character of God. Some of the songs which we sing were written 100’s of years ago and we sing everything in-between, all the way up to the latest Christian praise and worship songs. We love the variety here at Beeston Oasis.
During the service, we always give space for prayer. How we do that sometimes changes, sometimes we give opportunity for people to pray out loud and other times we give opportunity for people to reflect and pray privately. Don’t worry if you are not accustomed to prayer, we would never make anyone pray if they are not comfortable.
During each Sunday service we take around 25-30 minutes to hear a message from the Bible. Usually this is done by Pastor Ryan or one of the teaching team, although sometimes a guest speaker will join us. Each message explores a relevant aspect of the Bible which is applicable to our lives. Why don’t you check out a message before you come here.
After each service we take the opportunity to get to know one another a little bit better. We grab a tea or coffee, a biscuit (and sometimes cake) and a seat. You will find the room is buzzing with people laughing and enjoying each others company. Make sure you stick around and meet some folks.
What about my kids?
We love children here at Beeston Oasis, and we run Limitless Kids Beeston for children aged 3-11. We want to see our children embarking on a lifelong faith adventure and to grow into being a people of passion and purpose. We are currently growing our children’s work here at Beeston Oasis and would love for you and your family to join us. Each Sunday as you enter the building you will be able to register your child for Limitless Kids Beeston, where you will receive a colour-coded wristband.. We worship and sing together to start our service, after this, join with the leaders who will be wearing a colour coded lanyard matching your wristband. That’s how you know who you’ll be going with.
If you have any children under 3, there are creche facilities with toys and snacks for your little ones to use and enjoy. There is a direct audio feed that runs directly into the room and a glass window so you can still stay engaged with the service. It’s important to note that we love children here at Beeston Oasis and we don’t mind if they want to run around, make noise and enjoy the space. It’s their church too!
Where are you and where can I park?
We meet each Sunday at 10:30am at Beeston Oasis Christian Centre. You can enter via Willoughby Street or Union Street.
We have a few car parking spaces on site, they’re allocated on a first come first served basis and we usually try and save these for those who need easy access to the building. There are also plenty of places to park within a short walking distance from the Church. The closest being City Road Car Park, Beeston, NG9 2LQ.
What should I wear?
Don’t worry about what to wear, some people come in a suit, national dress or just a t-shirt and jogging bottoms - and everything in-between. Please wear whatever you feel comfortable in.